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Sony World Photography Awards 2021 vindere

Flotte og opsigtsvækkende billeder fra Sony World Photography Awards 2021.

Af / 15/04/2021 - 11:55
Sony World Photography Awards 2021 vindere

At se andres billeder kan være vældig inspirerende, og gårsdagens annoncering af vinderne af Sony World Photography Awards 2021 kan give enhver fotografspire masser af inspiration.

Sonys fotokonkurrence modtog bidrag fra hele verden, og nogle af vinderbillederne i de mange kategorier kan du se her.

From the series ‘BANK TOP’ © Craig Easton

Årets store vinder og årets fotograf blev Craig Easton fra Storbritannien, der vandt 25.000 dollars og fotoudstyr fra Sony for sin fotoserie Bank Top.

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Herny Lenayasa, a Samburu man and chief of the settlement of Archers Post tries to scare away a massive swarm of locust ravaging an area next to Archers Post, Samburu County, Kenya on April 24, 2020. A locust plague fueled by unpredictable weather patterns up to 20 times larger than a wave two months earlier is threatening to devastate parts of East Africa. Locust has made already a devastating appearance in Kenya, two months after voracious swarms -some billions strong- ravaged big areas of land and just as the coronavirus outbreak has begun to disrupt livelihoods. In spite of coronavirus-related travel restrictions, international experts are in place to support efforts to eradicate the pest with measures including ground and aerial spraying. The Covid-19 pandemic has competed for funding, hampered movement and delayed the import of some inputs, including insecticides and pesticides. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has called the locust outbreak, caused in part by climate change, “an unprecedented threat” to food security and livelihoods. Its officials have called this new wave some 20 times the size of the first. Photo: Luis Tato for The Washington Post A locust plague fueled by unpredictable weather patterns up to 20 times larger than a wave two months earlier is threatening to devastate parts of East Africa. Locust has made already a devastating appearance in Kenya, two months after voracious swarms -some billions strong- ravaged big areas of land and just as the coronavirus outbreak has begun to disrupt livelihoods. In spite of coronavirus-related travel restrictions, international experts are in place to support efforts to eradicate the pest with measures including ground and aerial spraying. The Covid-19 pandemic has competed for funding, hampered movement and delayed the import of some inputs, including insecticides and pesticides. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has called the locust outbreak, caused in part by climate change, “an unprecedented threat” to food security and livelihoods. Its officials have called this new wave some 20 times the size of the first. Photo: Luis Tato for The Washington Post


Lasse Svendsen
(f. 1965): Chefredaktør. Lasse har arbejdet for Lyd & Billede siden 1999. Han har også skrevet om foto for magasinet Fotografi og om hi-fi for Audio Video, ligesom han har erfaring som biljournalist fra bladet Drive. Det hele startede i 1980 med en Garrard-pladespiller, en Tandberg-receiver og et par Jamo-højttalere. Lasse har desuden stor erfaring fra hi-fi-branchen og skriver i dag mest om foto, hi-fi, computere og lyd, men også om biler.

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